Continuous integration (CI)

We run tests using the github-actions infrastructure. The following steps are necessary to set-up a new runner machine (and connect a github repo to it).

Steps to add a new CI machine:

  1. Install github-runner software on a new test machine
  2. Give access to the benchmark repository
  3. Configure software for the github-runner account
  4. Disable AppArmor
  5. Install a recent QEMU
  6. Do a test-run
  7. Start the new runner

Install github-runner software on a new test machine

Create a github-runner user first:

sudo useradd github-runner -m -s /bin/zsh

Add sudo capability for github-runner:

sudo visudo
# github-runner  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

For better security with self-hosted code exeuction, make sure to enable Settings -> Actions -> Runners -> Require approval for all outside collaborators in the github repo settings!

Other than that, follow the steps listed under Settings -> Actions -> Runner -> Add runner:

sudo su github-runner
cd $HOME
<< steps from Web-UI >>

When asked for labels, make sure to give it a machine specific tag. For example, we currenly use the following labels skylake2x, skylake4x, cascadelake2x, ryzen5 to indicate different machine type and the number of sockets/NUMA nodes. Machines with identical hardware should have the same tag to allow parallel test execution.

If you add a new machine label, make sure to also add it to in the CI website _scripts folder.

Don't launch the runner yet with (this happens further below in the doc).

Give access to the benchmark repository

Benchmark results are uploaded automatically to git.

Generate a key for accessing the repository or use an existing key on the github-runner account. Also add the user to the KVM group. Adding yourself to the KVM group requires a logout/reboot which we do in later steps.

sudo adduser github-runner kvm

Then, add the pub key (.ssh/ to the github CI account.

Configure software for the github runner account

Install necessary software for use by the runner:

git clone nrk
cd nrk/
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Install a recent qemu

Follow the steps in the Environment chapter.

Install memaslap

The memcached benchmark uses the memaslap binary that comes with libmemcached but is not included in the Ubuntu libmemcached-tools deb package. You'll have to install it manually from the sources:

cd $HOME
sudo apt-get build-dep libmemcached-tools
tar zxvf libmemcached-1.0.18.tar.gz

cd libmemcached-1.0.18/
LDFLAGS='-lpthread' CPPFLAGS='-fcommon -fpermissive' CFLAGS='-fpermissive -fcommon' ./configure --enable-memaslap
CPPFLAGS='-fcommon' make -j12
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

which memaslap

Disable AppArmor

An annoying security feature that blocks our DHCP server from starting for testing. You can set-up a rule for allowing this but it's easiest to just get rid of it on the CI machine:

sudo systemctl stop apparmor
sudo systemctl disable apparmor
sudo apt remove --assume-yes --purge apparmor
# Unfortunately for apparmor and kvm group changes to take effect, we need to reboot:
sudo reboot

Do a test-run

After the reboot, verify that the nrk tests pass (this will take a while, but if it works CI will likely succeed too):

# Init submodules if not done so already:
cd nrk
git submodule update --init
source $HOME/.cargo/env

cd kernel
RUST_TEST_THREADS=1 cargo test --features smoke -- --nocapture

Start the runner

Finally, launch the runner:

cd $HOME/actions-runner
source $HOME/.cargo/env

Start runner as systemd service

cd $HOME/actions-runner
sudo ./ install
sudo ./ start

Check the runner status with:

sudo ./ status

Stop the runner with:

sudo ./ stop

Uninstall the service with:

sudo ./ uninstall

Repository settings

If the repo is migrated to a new location, the following settings should be mirrored:

  1. Under Settings -> Secrets: Add secret WEBSITE_DEPLOY_SSH_KEY which contains a key to push the generated documentation to the correct website repository.
  2. Under Settings -> Options: Disable "Allow merge commits"
  3. Under Settings -> Branches: Add branch protection for master, enable the following settings:
    • Require pull request reviews before merging
    • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
    • Require status checks to pass before merging
    • Require branches to be up to date before merging
    • Require linear history
  4. Under Settings -> Actions -> Runners:
    • "Require approval for all outside collaborators"